Overall Architecture

Naoris Protocol: The Post-Quantum, Sub-Zero Blockchain Layer for CyberSecurity & Digital Trust in Web2 and Web3

Naoris Protocol's Post-Quantum Sub-Zero Blockchain Layer enhances the infrastructure across all blockchain layers, including L0, L1, L2, as well as DEXes, bridges, and validators in a positive-sum, non-competitive way in Web2 and Web3. The DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure) infrastructure is fortified with post-quantum security, ensuring cyber-resilience and network health across both Web2 and Web3 ecosystems. Naoris introduces a new standard in transparency, trust, and security, preparing the entire blockchain stack for a post-quantum future.

Decentralized Trust Mesh Architecture (dTMA)

Naoris Protocol is a self-validating secure network leveraging Blockchain and Swarm AI that harnesses the collective power of participating and incentivised devices, creating a Decentralized Trust Mesh Architecture (dTMA). It enables the secure and transparent exchange of high-quality data through advanced cryptography while preserving confidentiality, integrity, and availability under zero-trust principles.

Key Components of the Decentralized Cybersecurity FrameworkPost-Quantum Cryptography - Securing the Future

  • Naoris Protocol integrates post-quantum cryptographic algorithms, such as Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) and Dilithium signatures

  • Post-quantum cryptography ensures the security of the decentralized cybersecurity framework against potential quantum computing attacks

  • By employing quantum-resistant algorithms, Naoris Protocol future-proofs the security of digital assets and sensitive information

  • The integration of post-quantum cryptography positions Naoris Protocol as a leader in secure, forward-thinking blockchain solutions

Sub-Zero Layer - Enhancing Infrastructure Across All Blockchain Layers

  • Naoris Protocol's Sub-Zero Layer is a fundamental infrastructure layer that enhances security and performance across all blockchain layers, including L0, L1, L2, DEXes, bridges, and validators

  • The Sub-Zero Layer operates in a positive-sum, non-competitive manner, providing benefits to the entire blockchain ecosystem

  • By fortifying the DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure) with post-quantum security, the Sub-Zero Layer ensures cyber-resilience and network health across both Web2 and Web3 ecosystems

  • The Sub-Zero Layer introduces a new standard in transparency, trust, and security, preparing the entire blockchain stack for a post-quantum future

Agent - The Power of Continuous Interrogation

  • A special software "agent" is installed on each device (mobile, PC, server, IoT devices, etc.) across Web2 and Web3 ecosystems

  • Agents collect real-time operations and security data about each device, enabling continuous monitoring and validation

Dedicated Validator Node Network - The Power of Decentralisation

  • Information from agents is evaluated by a decentralised network of validators using the dPoSec consensus mechanism

  • A few validators are randomly selected from a global validator network to perform multi-level integrity checks

  • Chosen validators evaluate information against known cyber threats using Swarm AI and quantum-resistant cryptography

  • Validators form consensus on whether the information is good or bad, ensuring the integrity of the blockchain

  • Evidence is recorded as a permanent, tamper-proof record on the blockchain

  • The decentralised validator network eliminates the need to trust a single entity, enhancing security and resilience

  • Every device is a potential validator, making it nearly impossible for hackers to compromise the entire system

  • Validators are rewarded with $NAORIS tokens for honest evaluations, driving the quality of results and integrity

dPoSec Blockchain - The Power of Proof

  • Validation results are recorded as immutable events on the Post-Quantum Sub-Zero Blockchain Layer

  • Permanent, tamper-proof records are shared with all parties as a reference, ensuring transparency and auditability

  • Records prove that the agent performed its job, verifying device integrity, operations, and its own integrity

  • By proving that cybersecurity controls were performed, Naoris Protocol reduces customers' risk and liability

  • Naoris Protocol uses this shared truth to maintain and upgrade security across the entire network, including Web2 and Web3 ecosystems

Swarm AI - The Power of Collective Intelligence

  • Validators use a shared library of known threats secured on-chain as a common source for all operations

  • If an event is unknown, Naoris Swarm AI learns and updates the threat library in real-time

  • Every device has a known state for normal operations; the network learns about changes in every device and validates those changes against known tests

  • Devices operating outside normal parameters are isolated and repaired using automated response mechanisms

  • When deemed secure, devices are reintroduced to the network, ensuring continuous security and resilience

  • Agents act like cryptographic security guards, detecting changes and malicious actions across ALL nodes in real-time, leveraging the power of collective intelligence

Outcomes & Benefits

  • Real-time secure validation of devices across Web2 and Web3 ecosystems

  • Decentralised system converts every device from a potential weakness to a strength, enhancing overall security

  • Threats are detected in milliseconds, reducing cyber threats by an order of magnitude

  • Enterprises leverage network size to their benefit for security and resilience, benefiting from the collective intelligence of the decentralised system

  • Evidence proves that cybersecurity controls have been applied, which can be shared with all parties, ensuring transparency and compliance

  • Compared to a centralised system where one company controls everything, Naoris Protocol produces a shared truth from a decentralised system that is always on and cannot be interrupted, providing unparalleled security and trust.

Last updated