What Problems Does It Solve?

As traditional cybersecurity can no longer maintain parity in the endless arms race between defenders and attackers, enterprise operations need to move outside the castle walls to a community model of computing.

Naoris Protocol is purpose built for this transition; designed to strengthen cyber-trust in digital systems by flipping the model on its head through its innovative post-quantum blockchain & decentralized AI based solution. that directly and address the key issues.

Quantum Computing & Q-Day

Quantum computers pose a significant threat to current cryptographic algorithms and standard encryption methods, particularly asymmetric public key cryptography, due to their ability to solve complex mathematical problems much faster than classical computers.

  • This capability could render existing encryption methods vulnerable to being broken

  • Potential security compromise of sensitive global data and communications


Naoris Protocol utilizes quantum-resistant keys that make it possible to safeguard blockchains and networks against quantum computing threats, ensuring long-term data protection and maintaining the integrity of digital security infrastructures.

Centralized Devices and Networks

Untrusted Devices & Networks

There is currently no way to trust centralized devices and networks that operate within other parties cybersecurity solutions.

  • Cybersecurity solutions are owned and governed by a single centralised entity.

  • There is no way to measure or prove that these devices and networks are operating the way they should or providing that high quality data to other systems and parties outside central control.


With Naoris Protocol all device and network operations are measured, validated and assured under the dPoSec trust consensus mechanism, providing provable and trusted cybersecurity results that can be shared between multiple relying parties in real time e.g. ecosystem partners, regulators, auditors and government agencies

Single Points of Failure

Centralized cybersecurity solutions organize devices to act as siloed single points of failure****

  • Devices are vulnerable to attacks and breaches by multiple adversaries

  • Centralized cloud services concentrate risk in one place that can be compromised

  • Centralized systems have weak endpoint detection and response to threats


Under dPoSec all devices become cyber-trusted decentralized validator nodes that validate each other against cyber risk in real time. This decentralized validator network eliminates the need to trust a single entity. Naoris Protocol is a zero trust data architecture tha is always validated, always measured, producing high quality data from known devices

Static 40-year-old Approach

Static and siloed defense mechanisms struggle to keep pace with global complexity and changes outside the enterprise security perimeter

  • Castle walls are crumbling old models do not meet the community computing needs.

  • Existing systems remain reactive rather than proactive lacking adaptability and scalability

  • Systems aren’t fast enough to meet diverse cyber threats & attack methods


Real-time secure validation of devices means threats are detected in milliseconds, reducing cyber unknowns by an order of magnitude. Naoris Protocol’s unique hybrid consensus mechanism combines proof-of-stake, verifiable computation, and state-of-the-art validator nodes to assure networks against attacks while maintaining efficiency and scalability. Devices and systems can now share data outside the enterprise perimeter because devices are known and measured

Long Breach Detection Time

As we move out beyond enterprise castle perimeters to operate anywhere, current centralized systems are too slow to react to breaches. It only takes one compromised device, where the attacker can change log files behind them, to traverse across the entire enterprise.

  • Current systems are too slow to cope with widely distributed 3rd party supplier systems

  • Attackers can operate undetected for a median of 21 days before detection

  • Breach detection can take lengthy periods to contain, average impact 277 days (IBM)


Naoris Protocol detects threats and cyber risks in real time, reducing cyber unknowns by an order of magnitude. Because Naoris Protocol is decentralized, always on and a continually validating zero trust architecture for computing resources, even if the entity Naoris Protocol fails, the integrity of the protocol continues.

Privacy Issues

There’s a lack of privacy safeguards for individuals and enterprises within current cybersecurity systems

  • Centralized cybersecurity systems store massive amounts of sensitive data making them prime targets for cyberattacks

  • Single point of failures if breached expose all data for individuals and businesses

  • Regional and global privacy regulations and compliance challenges become complex due to centralized systems


Naoris Protocol's decentralized nature means that it operates by default as an integrated confidentiality infrastructure that assures privacy and anonymity for individuals and corporate entities. Device identity and operations are assured in real time under blockchain consensus, providing provable and trusted assurance. meaning all data is protected and its source is known and validated

IoT & Complexity

The rise of IoT and the expansion of the enterprise to third parties outside the perimeter exceeds the capabilities of traditional security.

  • Organizations struggle to secure complex and disparate devices and multi vendor environments

  • Expanded attack surfaces as mobile and cloud move outside the single security perimeter

  • Loss of asset control and visibility by relying on multiple 3rd party security solutions

  • Security risks in shared environments due to complex third-party networks creating fragmented security


Naoris’s Decentralised Trust Mesh devices operate as decentralized, validated cyber trusted nodes under blockchain consensus, 24/7 always on. Providing each system with the assurance data needed to rely on services outside of the perimeter. Directly solving the problem of operating beyond traditional enterprise perimeters as castles become communities

Real Time Trust Between Multi Parties

Within ever growing global digital complexity, there is currently no way to validate the digital health of my 3rd party data sources, services or networks in real time

  • Lack of visibility into device-level security posture enables vulnerabilities

  • No way to continuously monitor device behavior and trust status

  • Mismanaged and poorly configured devices are easily compromised

  • Compromised devices create footholds for attackers to further infiltrate

  • Multiple relying parties need shared realtime trusted data.


Naoris Protocol provides provable immutable records of the digital health and integrity of the devices that create and consume data. Multiple partners can share access to provable digital health records from validated devices increasing information and asset value through digital proof and forensic evidence. When system health is known, information can be trusted.

Shared Compliance For Multi Parties

Multiple parties rely on critical security data from modern digital systems, but today’s cybersecurity systems are designed for internal audit only, not sharing compliance results

  • Centralized model insufficient for complex cloud & multi-party dependencies

  • No real time trust validation within a partner ecosystems

  • No real time shared proof of compliance between enterprise and regulators


Naoris Protocol’s always on, always operational, proof of trust system built on blockchain

immutability, validates that devices and networks are operating as intended, producing high quality digital evidence for shared Proof of Compliance within IoT, AI, Zero Trust Systems, & Always On environments

Web3 Problems Inherited From Web2

Issues From Web3

Web3 is built on a foundation of identity, shared services, reliance on API data from others and multiple technology stacks. The Web2 security paradigm of centralized access control within a secure perimeter does not fit this new paradigm.

  • Information on operational status and cybersecurity anomalies is hard to detect and even harder to share.

  • Web 3 adoption requires a new approach to deliver high quality data.

As the perimeter melts away the tools used to secure acccess control and the perimeter no longer keep the enterprise safe and the reliability and quality of the data declines.


Naoris’s decentralized nature shifts physical infrastructure from centralized access models to decentralized identity structures, reducing dependence on singular authorities, enhancing resilience. Sharing of Cyber security results is powered by blockchain and the community economics of Token incentives to motivate individuals and companies to build the physical community infrastructure. Naoris Protocol is a leader in the Decentralized Physical Infrastructure (DePIN) sector

Web3 Device Threats Inherited From Web2

The current physical infrastructure that blockchains use as nodes is not known to be trusted. As we can't measure them , no-one knows if the node has been hacked, or if it is colluding with other nodes. Layer 1 blockchains use cryptographic principles for their security and protection, Naoris Protocol extends those principals to the devices themselves to create a dedicated and scalable DePIN for cybersecurity and trust. Currently, a majority of Web3 nodes operate on Web2 device architecture using centralized cybersecurity solutions, with no way to validate the cyber integrity of those devices. If AWS tomorrow said, we don't want Ethereum anymore, Ethereum would cease to exist. Here’s a list of device threats inherited by Web3:

  • Account Hijacking risks at the node, user, and exchange levels

  • API tampering risks


  • Data corruption or tampering with oracles

  • Internal threats in exchanges, oracles, protocols, bridges

  • Update poisoning

  • Advanced Persistent Threat risks

  • Sniffing attacks, Key-logging attacks against wallets and servers of any kind

  • Evil maid attack through hardware or firmware tampering

  • Identity and Access Management vulnerabilities on nodes, users, oracles, bridges, servers

  • Malicious browser extensions

  • Service provider attacks on oracles, nodes, users


Naoris protocol secures the cyber integrity of all devices under blockchain consensus so Web3 devices can operate and communicate securely and safely, within a Decentalized Mesh. producing known data from known devices to any third party. Naoris Protocol assures that devices have decentalized identities are secure to communicate, and data can be relied on.

Generative AI Models

As with any powerful technology, Generative AI can be exploited by malicious actors to automate and advance their attacks. Generative AI could produce hyper-realistic content, AI-fabricated identities can bypass secure checks, forged legal or corporate documents and counterfeit digital signatures can be used for unauthorized transactions, posing a new risk to the cybersecurity landscape

  • Generative AI could be used to develop malware that can adapt its behavior on-the-fly to evade detection

  • Generative AI could craft highly customized spear-phishing emails that mimic legitimate communication, tricking the recipient to share sensitive info or clicking on a malicious link.

  • AI could be utilized to create botnets that can autonomously identify and attack targets, as well as adapt to defenses. This could make botnets even more resilient and harder to dismantle.

  • Generative AI can be used to create deep fake audio and video, impersonating trusted individuals to manipulate targets, trick facial recognition systems, or spread disinformation

"As Generative AI becomes the skilled forger of the digital age, we stand on the precipice of an authenticity crisis. Our survival will hinge not on our ability to decipher these illusions, but on creating systems immune to their charm." David Holtzman, Former CTO of IBM, Creator of the DNS System and Chief of Strategy of Naoris Protocol


Unlike traditional Generative AI that often requires data centralization, Naoris Protocol is fully decentralized validating the hardware, device drivers, and processes that generate output. Therefore under the dPoSec trust consensus, data can stay decentralized as the environment where AI consumes and creates data is fully measured and verifiable for its operational health. In addition Decentralized Swarm AI which operates also under the dPoSec trust consensus method, allows multiple AI agents to collaborate and share information, functioning as a collective intelligence to solve problems and make decisions more effectively than any single centralized agent could on its own.

Societal Problem

Societal Problem: The Scale

Recent major cyberattacks have hit nuclear plants, hospitals, Infrastructure, energy, supply chains, IT, financial, crypto exchanges, government and military systems via partner systems.

  • Hacking on a corporate scale with hacking groups contracting independent actors

  • Insufficient Regulation/Compliance standards, adding to vulnerabilities

  • Geopolitical and National Security Implications implications of cyber threats

  • Most organizations fail at basic partner security management


Naoris Protocol’s mission is to restore cyber-trust in digital systems and data quality using Blockchain & AI validation methodologies to trust and verify devices and networks in real time reducing cyber unknowns by an order of magnitude

Financial Damage Problem

By 2025, yearly cybercrime damages will cost $10.5 trillion, up from $3 trillion in 2015, representing about 7% of forecasted global GDP


Naoris Protocol’s Decentralised Trust Mesh uses blockchain consensus and distributed Swarm AI, to reduce cyber unknowns from partner infrastructure by an order of magnitude through real time, provable device status validation, reversing the current model. The growing Web3 DePIN sector will decentralize all digital architecture and services to address this problem.

Last updated