What is the $NAORIS Token used for?


Naoris Protocol is driven by a device-to-device 'proof of trust' community economic model which incetivizes the secure decentralization of physical infrastructure networks (DePIN)

It rewards users with $NAORIS for participating in the successful validation of mesh devices and for contributing compute to the mesh.

Tokens and their transactions provide indisputable 'proof of trust', proving secure operations both within and between devices and between relying parties.

Mesh participants share real-time proof of trusted operations and record forensic evidence of compliance within a reliable and trusted ecosystem.

The $NAORIS token fosters secure and transparent collaboration between users, enterprises, and governments.

The more networks and devices that integrate with the protocol the stronger and more robust the mesh becomes.



The $NAORIS token provides an always on solution that validates trust and security across devices, networks and systems.

  • Token operations validate cyber-secure systems over time, transferring value between devices to compensate for services under the dPoSec consensus protocol.

  • $NAORIS provides the foundations for a unique record of provable results that are immutably secured by the blockchain.

Trusted Security Validation

The dPoSec consensus ensures measurement and proof of device and software operations that enable cyber-assured trusted networks to produce high quality data

  • Devices are rewarded with $NAORIS as proof that it has been successfully validated.

  • $NAORIS is continuously used and transferred between devices as part of trusted operations.

  • As more devices are added, the network's power, value and trustworthiness grows.

  • Naoris Protocol enforces continual validation of underlying devices, applications and infrastructure that power a network.

Decentralized Trust Mesh

Naoris Protocol transforms centralized and untrusted devices to act as validator nodes that use $NAORIS

  • Under dPoSec devices validate each other for trusted behavior within millisecond blocktimes.

  • Creating a distributed cyber-secure mesh that enforces trust globally.

  • Recorded $NAORIS transactions provides proof that high quality data produced by a device is operating as intended.

  • The value of maintaining provable cybersecurity grows exponentially as the number of nodes and measurement quality increases.

Incentivized Participation

The network is built on the foundations of a device-to-device community economy.

  • Rewards users for participating giving opportunities to offset security costs and contribute to global security.

  • $NAORIS facilitates a new model of risk and reward incentivized investment to build a decentralized network enforcing best practices and security.

  • A community model for security requires a new approach to operations, risks and investment

  • $NAORIS provides an always on, unstoppable solution to how value is moved, consumed and realized.

Staking & Rewards

Full Validator Nodes are nodes jointly selected by all $NAORIS holders to maintain and develop the dPoSec network. The majority of nodes with the most votes will become alternative nodes, from which a core of validators will be randomly selected to participate in the management of the entire dPoSec network. Validators that are full nodes (like a master node) require locking tokens, making it highly capable. A full node will also have the ability to connect wallets.

The responsibilities of a validator are:

1. Maintaining node and the network operations

2. Produce and validate blocks

3. Proposal voting and decision-making

Minimum staking of a set amount of $NAORIS tokens is required for a staking account, locked or unlocked. If the actual stake is less than the minimum staking amount due to penalties or any other reason the node will disappear from the listing of possible node candidates. There are also checks that entail the enforcement of the availability of recommended hardware levels, software and infrastructure requirements for the node.

Last updated