Space Tech


The space industry operates complex systems and infrastructure involving satellites, rockets, ground stations, and various other components. These systems are vulnerable to cyber threats, including data breaches, supply chain attacks, and potential interference from adversarial nations or actors. Ensuring the security, resilience, and trustworthiness of space assets is crucial for successful missions and maintaining a strategic advantage.

Naoris Protocol offers a cutting-edge solution by leveraging blockchain consensus and distributed AI to validate the integrity of space systems and secure operations across the entire space ecosystem. Its real-time detection and mitigation capabilities significantly reduce cyber risks and enhance the overall security posture of space missions.

By enabling immutable on-chain recording and proof of component operations, Naoris Protocol facilitates trust, transparency, and collaboration among multiple stakeholders in the space industry, enhancing security and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations.


Satellite Cyber Vulnerabilities

Satellites are susceptible to cyber attacks that can disrupt operations, compromise data integrity, or even lead to the loss of control, highlighting the need for robust satellite cybersecurity measures and the ability to verify the integrity of satellite systems.

Supply Chain Risks

The space supply chain involves numerous vendors and components, creating potential vulnerabilities that adversaries could exploit to introduce malicious hardware or software, necessitating comprehensive supply chain security measures and the ability to validate the provenance and trustworthiness of space systems.

Data Integrity and Confidentiality

Space missions often handle sensitive data, including classified information, intellectual property, and scientific data, which must be protected against unauthorized access, tampering, or theft, emphasizing the importance of data integrity and confidentiality.

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)

Nation-state actors or sophisticated threat groups may launch APTs to gain unauthorized access to space systems, steal valuable data, or disrupt critical infrastructure, requiring advanced cybersecurity measures and the ability to detect and mitigate such threats in real-time.

Regulatory Compliance

Space operations must comply with various national and international regulations, including export controls, data protection laws, and treaties governing space activities, necessitating robust compliance mechanisms and the ability to provide auditable proof of adherence to these regulations.

Counter-Space Threats

Adversarial nations or actors may attempt to disrupt, degrade, or deny the use of space assets through various means, such as jamming, spoofing, or kinetic attacks, requiring resilient systems and the ability to detect and mitigate such threats.


  • Naoris Protocol provides the foundations for delivering higher data quality and increasing the trustworthiness of space systems by enabling:

  • Validation of space components and systems under blockchain consensus and distributed AI, creating robust space asset security through provable trust and resilience.

  • Real-time detection and mitigation of cyber threats, reducing the risks of data breaches, advanced persistent threats, supply chain attacks, and counter-space threats.

  • Immutable on-chain recording of component operations, processes, and system health, enabling real-time proof of compliance and facilitating collaboration among stakeholders.

  • Streamlined supply chain security by allowing ecosystem partners to operate on the same decentralized network, sharing proof of trust when consuming or creating sensitive data.


Naoris Protocol offers a transformative cybersecurity approach for the space industry, tackling complex challenges from satellite cyber vulnerabilities to regulatory compliance. By utilizing blockchain and AI, it not only enhances the security and resilience of space systems but also streamlines supply chain security and enables real-time proof of compliance. This innovation represents a significant step forward in securing space operations, ensuring a safer and more trustworthy space environment for critical missions and strategic activities.

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