
Decentralized Agent (Daemon) in Naoris Protocol

Introduction: The Necessity of Decentralized Cybersecurity in the Digital Age

As the digital landscape rapidly evolves, the importance of robust and adaptive cybersecurity measures cannot be overstated. As our reliance on technology continues to grow, so too does the frequency and sophistication of cyber threats. Traditional, centralized security solutions are no longer sufficient to protect against the ever-changing tactics employed by malicious actors.

The current state of cybersecurity is characterized by a number of significant risks and challenges:

  1. Single Points of Failure: Centralized security systems often present single points of failure, making them vulnerable to targeted attacks. If an attacker successfully compromises a central authority, they can gain control over the entire network.

  2. Lack of Transparency: Centralized systems often lack transparency, making it difficult for users to verify the integrity of the security measures in place. This lack of transparency can erode trust and leave users uncertain about the safety of their data.

  3. Slow Response Times: In a centralized system, the detection and response to security threats can be slow, as all data must be processed and analyzed by a single entity. This delay can allow attackers to cause significant damage before they are detected and stopped.

  4. Scalability Limitations: As the number of connected devices continues to grow, centralized security solutions may struggle to keep pace. The sheer volume of data generated by these devices can overwhelm traditional security architectures, leading to performance issues and increased vulnerability.

  5. Quantum Computing Risks: With the advent of quantum computing, many of the cryptographic algorithms used in current security systems will become vulnerable to attack. This poses a significant threat to the long-term security of sensitive data and infrastructure.

To address these challenges and ensure the security of our digital future, a new approach to cybersecurity is needed. This is where the concept of decentralized cybersecurity, as exemplified by the Naoris Protocol, comes into play.

Decentralized cybersecurity offers a paradigm shift in how we approach the protection of our digital assets and infrastructure. By distributing the responsibility for security across a network of nodes, decentralized systems eliminate single points of failure and ensure that the compromise of any one node does not jeopardize the entire network.

Furthermore, decentralized systems provide unprecedented levels of transparency, allowing users to verify the integrity of the security measures in place. This transparency helps to build trust and ensures that all participants can hold each other accountable for maintaining the security of the network.

The use of advanced technologies, such as blockchain and post-quantum cryptography, enables decentralized cybersecurity solutions to scale effectively and remain secure in the face of emerging threats. By harnessing the power of collective intelligence and adapting in real-time to new challenges, decentralized systems offer a level of resilience and adaptability that is simply not possible with traditional, centralized approaches.

As we move forward into an increasingly interconnected and technology-dependent world, the adoption of decentralized cybersecurity solutions like the Naoris Protocol will be essential to ensuring the safety, privacy, and integrity of our digital lives. By embracing this new paradigm, we can build a more secure, transparent, and resilient foundation for the digital age.


In the Naoris Protocol, the decentralized agent, also known as a daemon, is a critical component of the decentralized trust mesh architecture (dTMA). These autonomous software programs are installed on devices across Web2 and Web3 ecosystems, enabling continuous monitoring, data collection, and validation of the device's security and operational status.

The decentralized agent plays a vital role in ensuring the security, transparency, and integrity of the Naoris Protocol infrastructure by facilitating the real-time exchange of high-quality data between devices and the blockchain network.


  • Enables real-time, continuous monitoring of devices across Web2 and Web3 ecosystems

  • Provides high-quality, granular data for security analysis and threat detection

  • Contributes to the decentralization and resilience of the Naoris Protocol infrastructure

  • Facilitates collaboration with Swarm AI for adaptive, intelligent threat response

  • Ensures data confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity through advanced cryptography

The decentralized agent is a foundational element of the Naoris Protocol, enabling the decentralized trust mesh architecture to provide unparalleled security, transparency, and trust to its users. By continuously monitoring and reporting on the state of devices within the network, the agent plays a crucial role in maintaining the overall health and resilience of the Naoris Protocol infrastructure.

Key Functions

Data Collection

The primary function of the decentralized agent is to collect real-time operations and security data from the device on which it is installed. This data includes:

  • System logs

  • Network traffic

  • Resource utilization (CPU, memory, storage)

  • Running processes and applications

  • Security events and alerts

By continuously gathering this data, the agent enables the Naoris Protocol to maintain an up-to-date understanding of the device's state and behavior.

Data Reporting

Once the decentralized agent has collected the relevant data, it securely transmits this information to the Naoris Protocol network for further analysis and validation. The data is sent to a randomly selected group of validator nodes, which form part of the dedicated validator node network.

The agent employs advanced cryptography, including post-quantum algorithms like Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) and Dilithium signatures, to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of the transmitted data.

Continuous Monitoring

The decentralized agent operates continuously, providing a constant stream of real-time data to the Naoris Protocol network. This ongoing monitoring allows the network to quickly detect and respond to potential security threats or anomalies in the device's behavior.

By maintaining a persistent connection to the blockchain network, the agent contributes to the overall security and resilience of the Naoris Protocol infrastructure.

Collaboration with Swarm AI

The data collected by the decentralized agents is used by the Naoris Protocol's Swarm AI to learn and update its threat library in real-time. The Swarm AI analyzes the data from all connected devices, leveraging the collective intelligence of the network to identify potential security risks and adapt its threat models accordingly.

The decentralized agents act as the eyes and ears of the Swarm AI, providing the raw data necessary for it to make informed decisions and maintain the security of the entire network.

Last updated